Saturday, March 29, 2014

Education Reform is the Answer

If America wants to stay “on top” of the world pyramid one thing in its culture is going to have to change- the way it educates its young.  The United States ranks 17th in educational performance out of forty developed nations. So what is wrong with the American education system?

Well for many the real problem began with the No Child Left behind Act of 2001. The intentions behind the act were positive, but all it has led to is standardized testing that disables a teacher from truly teaching and a student from honestly learning to think.

States with tenure and teacher unions, struggle with incompetent teachers, and the harsh reality of grading their successful teachers off of their students test scores. But no matter which state you go to a test will be given and it will be the deciding factor of your whole education.

This “test” mentality has carried over into secondary education as well. The SAT, and ACT determine if a student will or will not get into specific colleges and programs. One test. But really several tests. In truth America is preparing a generation for a test that will never come, because sadly real life isn’t just filling in the bubbles.

The United States can reinvigorate its education system. By intensifying curriculum, raising teacher pay, and adding incentives for those teachers who are getting inventive with the way they communicate with their students. Make the students ability to employ the information that they have been learning be seen not just by multiple choice test, but by the students themselves.

There is one thing American students excel at past all the others, Creativity.  By ignoring their strength while creating the way we will teach them, we handicap their use of it. If creativity is what will keep America on top, why isn’t it on the test?